Director   Actor   Screenwriter   Producer   Filmmaker

Dear Marek,
It was an honor to be directed by you.
I think you will be remembered as one of the great directors of our time, because you speak in terms the actor can understand, your adjustments are inspired and your insights speak to the human condition.
I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future.

Dylan Busse, Actress

"Telling an engaging and interesting story is the most important part of filmmaking for me. I want to take the audience on a storytelling rollercoaster ride from point A to point Z and hit all the letters in between. A great director whose work I admire very much told me:"Marek, do it your way. Keep doing it. Go with God." Nicolas Winding Refn (Drive, Valhalla Rising, Neon Demon).

So that's what I'm doing:)."